Sat 11 Jan
▬▬ {☆} ▬▬▬▶▶ ╠╣o t BLoNdE LoVeRs - - #1 PiCk - ╠╣o t ◀◀ ▬ - - 35
(South Coast, Norwood incalls)
Sexy, Young, Skilled And Waiting For You! **$100 Specials** ((2 Girl Specials!)) - 23
(South Coast, Plymouth - IN-CALL)
SeXyThICk EroTiC ViXeN ★InCreDiBle LiPs ★ KiLLeR CuRvEs★PeRfEcT BoOTy/Ddd ★UnFoRgeTTaBLe PLeaSuRe ★ - 29
(Foxboro~Mansfield ~Franklin~Outcalls vip, South Coast)
Snow White lookalike waiting to be kissed awake- Gillian - 28
(Springfield, Springfield/Holyoke area)
SPECIALS ! How Do You Want Me! Chocolate Playmate Available INCALLS For the night call now - 20
(South Coast, Brockton Incalls 774-225-1847)
SuperSweet treat 💖✦INCALLS !!❣ 💯% ➜RARE💦Skills Beyond Perfect - 24
(foxboro incalls / outcalls everywhere, South Coast)
TaLL&CuRvY;💋 iRisH GiRL🍀 WiLL GiVe U n eXPeRieNCe U'LL NeVa FoRGeT😉 -INdePeNdeNT-👯 - 23
(fall river, South Coast)
NEW "Let's play" ⭐Alexia⭐...The "REAL DEAL Gentlemen 🍒"REAL 42DD Natural Brazilian"🍒 (OVER 30 ONLY) - 25
(South Coast, MA/RI - Out and Inn available)
@@@@ NeW SEXY ASIAN Baby Just IN TOWN 4 U AT This SUMMER TIME??? @@@ - 23
(Boston, Boston/Camb/Brook, OUTCALL 4 U { 617-599-5676 })
Sweet * Sexy * Unique *Very Limited Availability* LOW VOLUME PROVIDER!! - 25
(Weymouth Incall - My Place)
💋💎 The Best👑 Bbw In 💦 Town With 💄 Natural 38GCups🍒 With🍫 Lactating 🍼 Fun 💋 - 24
(New Bedford,North Dartmouth,Fall River, South Coast)
Snowy $pecail$$$ beng aqi papi, You will LOVE me pa Bouncy bOoty blondey!! Snowy $pecail$$$ - 20
(South Coast, Outcalls/I come to u papi)
START Your Week Off Right. Discrete, Passionate, & Kissable. In/Out Plymouth Area - 41
(South Coast, South Shore/Plymouth)
NEW# Miss Cali 😘😘The Azorean Princess 💯% real video🎬Pr👀f - 24
(attelboro incall outcall, South Coast)
❥ »NEW REVIEWS !« ❤ ★~* BLONDE + BEAUTY + BRAiNS = BLiSS *~★ ❤ - 22
(South Coast, Swansea / Somerset / Seekonk - IN/OUT)
~S__W__E __E__T __~__S__ E__X__X__X__Y __~__ A__N__D __~__ I__N__D__E__ P__E__N__ D__E__N __T - 21
(Plymouth, pLyMoUtH iNCaLL [+RT3+])
*-* M E S M E R I Z I N G .. N A U G H T Y .. R E V I E W E D .. E L I T E .. P L A Y M A T E *-* - 22
(South Coast, South Shore Incalls)
Naughty lil Daddys Girl.. Come play! Check out my reviews here & other sites! :) Talk to you soon! - 25
(South Coast, South Shore)
R A R E . O P P O R T U N I T Y! ---------> I'm a LOT of fun, Blonde &smart;, honest, & VERY SKILLED! - 24
(OUTCALLS ONLY, South Coast)
SEXY ASIAN ☰☰☰☰☰☰ HOT & SWEET ☰☰☰☰☰☰ OUTCALL🔴🔴🔴🔴🔴🔴🔴🔴🔴🔴🔴 ✦✦ NEW INTOWN ✦✦ 🔴🔴🔴● - 21 - 22
(Boston, Boston/Camb/Brook, Outcall Only ====== 617-858-9965======)
let's have some are very real and im very openminded - 22
(South Coast, newbedford/taunton/dartmouth/fallriver)
Stop throwing your money away.... - w4m
(Boston, Cape Cod, South Coast, Springfield, Worcester, everywhere)
!!! Let It Snow ,,, ILL BE RIGHT THERE TO WARM UR @&& UP!!!! !!!! - 22
(South Coast, BOSTON & SURROUNDING 774. 360. 3175)
💋💞💋💞Let me make you feel like the MAN you really are!!!! Sexy green eyed Italian bombshell 💋🍒 - 21
(Out to you, South Coast)
❤️⚫️💣➖Good GoLLy MiSS MoLLy➖💣⚫️❤️ The blazing Hott BloNde BomB ❤️🔥💣➖Ready For UPSCALE Naughty FuN➖❤️⚫️ - 20
(Boston, Cape Cod, South Coast, Springfield, Westboro, Worcester)
💯%Rεαℓ! Flεxiblε W. 38DD! Truεßεαutγ 💄Dιscrεet & Upscαℓε 👑 Uηmαtchεd skιℓℓs 💦👅 Top-ηotchTαℓεηt! - 21
(Pawtucket/Attleboro Line (In Only), South Coast)
•*¨¨*•-:¦:-•* ★ _S_E_X_Y_ ☆ _ 5_ ★ _S_ T_A_R _ ★ _B_E_A_U_T_Y •*¨¨*•-:¦:-•* - 21
~~~Sexxiest Redhead in Town!!!~~~ Sincerely Yours SimplyRed!! Evening Specials!!!! - 40
★ ✄------- CUT Out The FAKES & Just See ME ✄ ------ ✄ ★ - 30
(Fall River, fall river mass)
DANGEROUSLY *[[*S M O K I N G*]]*[*H O T B O D Y*]] - 21
(Fall River, Fall River Dartmouth New Bedford)
❤️☺ F*U*N ⧽ ●&● ⧼ F*R*E*A*K*Y 💄 ◈ ✭ SEXY & SwEEt*✿- - HOT BODY * ♔❤️ [ 🍒Your PERFECT Treat🍒 ] - 2 - 22
(New bedford- Dartmouth incalls and outca, South Coast)