Sat 04 Jan
sexy Latina snow bunny....ready to make your while worth it/100$ special incalls only!! - 23
(South Coast, southshore)
150$ sPeCiAl TwO GirLs...AprYL AnD Y€|¡§...inCaLL onlY 150$ Two Girl SpeCiaL - 23
(South Coast, FiElDs Corner)
💖💖 Amazing 💎 Fantastic 🎀🎀 Asian 💎 Masseuse 💖💖 ❀❀ Out Calls Only ❀❀ - 23
(South Coast ( 857 - 265 - 5968 ), South Coast)
💖 💖 Attractive 👗👠 Sexy 🎀 Korean 👙👠 Girl 💖 💖 Out ✵ Calls ✵ Only - 23
(South Coast (Out Calls:857-265-5968), South Coast)
🌹🌹 Amazing 🌹🌹 Fantastic 🌹🌹 Korean 🌹🌹 Masseuse 🌹🌹 🎉 Out ✯ Calls ✯ Only 🎉 - 23
(South Coast (Out Calls *857-265-5968*), South Coast)
Fri 03 Jan
P_ _R _ F_ _C_T __ _BoDY! _ ( ( ( rotic) ) ) __P_ l _ A_ y _ M _a _ T_e! Late nite special - 21
(South Coast, ONSET)
Upscale, petite, sexy HOT & READY the real deal!!!!! NEW - 22
(South Coast, Wrentham, N.attle, Walpole,Sharon OUT)
¡n℃^|| SpECiaL...TwO GiRls fOr One oR chOOse oNe FoR Hot Low PRiCe iNcAll OnlY - 23
(Boston/Camb/Brook, boston/ fields corner)
Soft Sexy Amazing And Talented!!! 9784017459!!! - 23
(North Shore, Northshore Outcalls Everywhere!!!)
2 for 1.....SpECiAL.....SuPer SunDaY SaVinGS....wiTh SupEr SeXXy LaTiNAs....AprYL and Y€LiS - 23
(South Shore, Braintree/ South shore)
Balls r in the air but can I play with ur bat quincy 8 fiv 7 2361187 - 19
(South Coast, quincy 8five 7 2236187)
Honey💋💋 Exclusive & Erotic 💋💋😍 AWESOME BODY 💋💋 Beautiful FACE 💋💋💋💋 - 22 - 22
(South Coast, Brockton INCALLS ONLY)
:*:*:* ♥ 2 girl special♥ :*:*:* ♦♦♦ 80 ROSE__S__ P__ E __ C __ I __ A __ L __♦♦♦ - 20
(Plymouth, Plymouth, Ma (incalls))
Thu 02 Jan