Sun 12 Jan
Allday Specials - Come see me before 8:00pm and i will do $120 half hour!!! - 32
(Boston, Lynn, North Shore)
♥ !!!!!!!!Asian Hottie sweet as CANDY!!!!!!!!! ♥ - 22
(Plymouth, WHERE EVER U WANT ME ;) 508-663-9072)
Beautiful StrawberryBlonde cutie iam the real deal guys reviewed classivox&usa; s*x guide - 27
(South Coast, Plymouth,south shore,Plymouth)
Exotic Ebony Bombshell💟💋Pure Pleasure💟100% Real💋Outcalls💟8575044885 - 26
(Fall River, Brockton/Surrounding areas, South Coast)
Make $2,500 per week with the World Leader in Adult, VIVID Entertainment ◄ ◄ ◄
(Boston, Cape Cod, South Coast, Springfield, Worcester, Work From Home)
Sexxyy))* MiXxed EBONY BOMBSHELL×—x ((* NEW)) x—x UPSCALE x—xSeXy )) x—x ** 100% REAL! - 20 - 24
🎁🎄Naughty or Nice...I'll Be Extra Sweet With a Hint of Spice🎁🎄 - 25
(Seekonk, East Providence Incalls Outcall, South Coast)
Extremely 💋Amazing👠Irish Portuguese 🌹Beauty-23 - 23
(Cape Cod, Dartmouth/incalls & outcalls everywhere, South Coast)
Sat 11 Jan
UnForagetable MoRnings ~ StaR Skills~ IResistaBLe All NaTuRaL & AmaZing Boobs~ SeXy EyeS & FaCe !! - 28
What are u waiting for???😻😻hottest sexy 36dd sweet blondie😻😻24 Hr. Yummy treat🍭🍒🍓 - 27
(Outcalls only, South Coast)
"Soft CHERRY Lips > HUGE DD's > PRETTY Face > Round Azz -- I Luv it ALL !!!!" - 25
(South Coast, OUTCALLS Only...)
Specials All dayy :) Call Sophie 508-858-1674 OUTCALL - 28
(brockton,taunton,swansea OutCall, South Coast)
✳♦* ♚ * ♦✳ Perfect Diamond in the Rough •♥• TALL, SEXY, MODEL ➸ PICS ARE 100% REAL! ✳♦* ♚ * ♦✳ - 20
(Braintree, Braintree, Quincy, and surrounding areas)
❤️☺ F*U*N ⧽ ●&● ⧼ F*R*E*A*K*Y 💄 ◈ ✭ SEXY & SwEEt*✿- - HOT BODY * ♔❤️ [ 🍒Your PERFECT Treat🍒 ] - 2 - 22
(New bedford- Dartmouth incalls and outca, South Coast)
•*¨¨*•-:¦:* ELITE •-:¦:-•* STuNniNG *•-:¦:-•* BeAuTy of a GoDDeSS •*¨¨*• - 21
(South Coast, My place or your place)
CuT3 $w33t &+ $E×××y FuN jUst 4 yoU!!! =] 100% INDEPENDANT ; SPECIAL$ NOW! - 25
(New Bedford Areas - Outcalls, South Coast)
Busty Sweet Sensual Brunette Mom*** INcall Outcall Meetings Available Now! - 40
(Fall River, Fall River / New Bedford)
Flexible HOT mom in fall river! Blonde Single Mom! Super Duper K.I.S.S.E.R - 28
(fall river ma 02723)
►► HELP WANTED - Female Exotic Dancers ◄◄ - 21
(Boston, Cape Cod, South Coast, Springfield, Worcester, New England)
ECSTASY...WORLD CLASS female provider with LOW LOW Rates! - 30
Your Talented Blond Is Here For A Warm, Relaxing Body Massage . . . It Will Be My Pleasure ! - 38
💦 NEW IN TOWN 💦 SuPer SweeT bLonDe Treat🍭Let Me Fulfill Your Fantasy 👅 Aim 2 Please 😇 - 23
(In (Dartmouth/New Bedford), South Coast)
(SPecIALS ADD¡Ct¡V€★ ( CuT¡€) ★ (1oO%REAL ) ★( AvA¡LaBL € NOW) ★! SPeCIALs - 22
(South Coast, INCALLS N. attleboro)
METRO-WEST ❤☰☰☰❤ SWEET ❤☰ ❤ ❤☰ ❤ blonde ❤ ☰☰ AWESOME Reviews METRO-WEST AREA - 23
(South Coast, METRO-WEST boston , quincy , incall)
Fri 10 Jan
🌷🌹🌷What U s👀 is what U get💎..So gimme A call👅 U wont regret! 💑🐞🌷🌹🌷 - 28
(*New Bedford*, South Coast)
♥ •T•° °•O•° °•P•° ____ °•O•° °•F•° __°•T•° H °•E•° ____ °•L• °•I•° °•N•°•E• ♥ - 22
(South Coast, Discreet Incalls/ out)
START Your Weekend OFF Right with My Hot & Sexy KISSES,Discrete and Passionate, in/out Plymouth - 41
(South Coast, South Shore/Plymouth)
🚫STOP🚫👀 Neena Skyyyy 💋 ⓔⓧⓣⓡⓔⓜⓔⓛⓨ 💎 ⓣⓐⓛⓔⓝⓣⓔⓓ👍 🔥💕 δe∂uctive 👉A∂∂ictive💉💊 Avαiℓαbℓe➜ ⓝⓞⓦ - - 24
(Randolph InCall (Quincy Avon OutCall), South Coast)
~*•★•° * ° .SEXY. °•★•° °.HOT. °•★ •° .TEMPiNG° •★ •° * °*~ BRUNETTE ~ - 23
(Brockton, Brockton RT.24 ** incalls & outcalls)
❌No Bait And Switch!✋❌ 👑💋💎100% Real Deal!👑💋💎 - 25
(Boston, Boston/Camb/Brook, NATICK FRAMINGHAM IN-OUT)
Non-Rushed Session with the Girl next door
(Boston, Cape Cod, South Coast, Springfield, Worcester, hotel room)
***Rendevous Anyone!?!?*** Great Daytime Specials!! °°°Come PLay!!!°°° - 39
( GORGEOUS )) *°♥•° O_N _E __ i_N __ A__ M_i_L_ L_i_O_N • °♥•* (( EBONY ) - - 25
(South Coast, Boston Ma)
***((( Go Bruins! Stanley Cup incall Specials! )))*** - 23
(South Coast, Mansfield, N. Attleboro, Foxboro in/out)
►D_R_€_A_M_ •★• _G_!_R_L◄▓ S€XY_ CʉRvY_ P€T!T€_ BʉRN€TT€ ▓ R€ADY R!GHT NØW - 25 - 25
(South Coast, Dedham INCALLS....)
*¨¨*-:¦¦:-* InToXiCaTiNg *-:¦:-* UPSCALE PLaYmATe *¨¨*Early Moring Special - 21
*:*: :*: :*:*:G O O D . G I R L :*: ♥ G O N E ♥ *:**: B A D D *:*: ♥ * - 20
💦 CaRaMeL Soft Skin💕 🍓🍰Sweet Cakes🍰🍓yuMMy 🍒 Tasty TrEaT🍭 💦!100% Real 🌴 iSLaNd BeaUty 🍒🍬 - 23
(Boston, Fall River Outcalls Only (100$ Specials), South Coast, South Shore)
electrifying captivating gorgeous woman
(Boston, Cape Cod, South Coast, Springfield, Worcester, hotel room)
Dressup, Play, Girlfriend, KISSER, Discrete, ALL IN ONE!!! Incalls/Outcalls - 40
(Plymouth, Plymouth/South Shore/Cape Cod)