Sun 12 Jan
- - - - - - - - - $80 SPECIALS !! - - - - - - $80 - - - - - $80 SPECIALS!! - - - - - - - - - - 21
(South Coast, --::-- iNCaLLS oNLyy --::-- NO OUTs!)
NeW •🎀• sWeeT •🎀• uPsCaLe •🎀• BlOnDe •🎀• BoMbSheLL •🎀• ReViEwED - 24
(braintree, rockland, plymouth outs!, South Coast)
Fri 10 Jan
exotic-petite caramel beauty with morning 75_80 specials - 23
(South Coast, Randolph ins Outs everywhere)
B*L*O*N*D*E ▆ █ ♡ COLLEGE CUTIE ♡ █ ▆ ▃ ———█ ♥ Clean&Discreet; - 21
(Braintree, Braintree/ quincy InCall)
❤💏 grab my perky DDs 👀 & play with my 💦😻 $pecials 🆙24/7 😘😉😜 - 20
(Incalls fall river local outs only!, South Coast)
💕 *💋$60special New pics❌ *2girl specia✖ * BBW SUPER, sweet, NAUGHTY, lil, FREAK * ✖* ❌ *✖ * 💋* 💕 - 24
(South Coast, Weymouth in/outs)
Thu 09 Jan
Let me be your Nightcap🍷Boston's Best💖 - 27
(Boston, Boston/Camb/Brook, Boston/North&SouthShore-Outs; all over✌✌✌, South Coast)
Wed 08 Jan
Sexy, Exotic LowVol Provider; VeryWellReviewed-Will Leave U Breatheless&Beggin; for More! - 24
(Ins 24/7 Outs after 5M-F, anytime S&S;, South Coast)
♥▀♥▄♥ ▄▄▄ SeXy&& SuP3r Sw33t R3D H3Ad ▄▄▄ ThE PeFeCt AdDiCtiON ▄▄▄ ♥▀♥▄♥ - 21
(South Coast, Ins && Outs In N.Attleborro)
💥Do u want to see 👀some real fire works💥 Come hang out 💃🏼with a real fire cracker💥 - 25
(Outs only, South Coast)
Tue 07 Jan
💄★👠•:*:• Y.O.U.R •:*:• S.e. X. Y :*:• 💄 👠 A.M.A.Z.I.N.G • S.E.C.R.E.T call or text 508-663-7618 OUTS - 23
(South Coast, New Bedford/Dartmouth/Westport outs ONLY)
(¯`v´¯) 🍬🍭🍦🍰💕ღ S@T¡SF¥ ¥OU® N@UGHT¥ C®@V¡ÑGღ (¯`v´¯)ღW¡TH @ F®£@K ¡M W@¡T¡ÑG🍬🍭💕 - 21
(South Coast, All south coast outcalls & Boston outs)
♡HOW CAN Y0U RESiST?♥PETiTE CLASSY ViXEN♡ For Satisfaction Guarenteed 7742408456 - 22
(South Coast, randolph/stoughton, in&outs;)
Mon 06 Jan
Sun 05 Jan
(¯`v´¯) 🍬🍭🍦🍰💕ღ S@T¡SF¥ ¥OU® N@UGHT¥ C®@V¡ÑGღ (¯`v´¯)ღW¡TH @ F®£@K ¡M W@¡T¡ÑG🍬🍭💕 - 21
(South Coast, All south coast outcalls & Boston outs)
🐱👅💦Knockout!! 💋💦👅 ROYAL Package 💁🏽 Pretty Face Brown Eyes Soft Brown Skin - 22
(South Coast, Swansea Area)
Fri 03 Jan